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“FFmpeg For Beginners” is now on Amazon! (Paperback & Ebook)

Today I am extremely excited to announce that “FFmpeg For Beginners” is now on Amazon. Cover over 112 different concepts, this is the ultimate FFmpeg programmers guide for users at any level. Readers at the novice level can gracefully learn FFmpeg and become upper-intermediate in no time. Soon you’ll be able to edit audio and video like a pro! Over 112 Questions fully answered with examples, scripts, and images!

It’s available on Kindle and Paperback (English) in various countries:

United States

United Kingdom












I look forward to your feedback and as always, all of these scripts will be available free of charge on this website. Thanks for all the support helping me refine this book and making it perfect for those interesting in FFmpeg!

Full list of topics


  • 1How to check the installed FFMPEG version?
  • How to install extra libraries to FFMPEG
  • How to use FFMPEG in x Language?
  • How to install FFMPEG for PHP?
  • How to install FFMPEG on Windows?
  • How to install FFMPEG on Linux?
  • How to install FFMPEG on MacOS?

Basic FFMPEG knowledge

  • How to convert an entire directory?
  • How to use filter_complex without losing video quality?
  • How to check audio / video file information
  • How to chain multiple filters?
  • What is the difference between -vf vs -filter_complex?
  • How to copy codec from one video type to another?
  • What are all the formats FFMPEG supports?
  • What are all the FFMPEG supported codecs?
  • What is a ‘codec’? explained
  • Explaining -map
  • What is a pxl_fmt / yuv420p

— Audio

Basic audio conversions

  • How to convert wav to mp3?
  • How to convert flac to mp3?
  • How to convert ogg to mp3?
  • How to convert Video to Audio?

Audio editing

  • How to trim x seconds from start & end of an audio track?
  • How to trim x seconds from the end of an audio track?
  • How to trim x seconds from the start of an audio track?
  • How to merge multiple MP3s into one track?

Audio Filters

  • Add a high pass filter – audio
  • Add a low-pass filter – audio
  • How to replace audio on a video?
  • How to mix audio on a video?
  • How to remove audio on a MP4?
  • How to generate text to speech audio (flite)
  • How to generate an audio tone (sine)?
  • How to change pitch of audio (asetrate)?
  • How to change tempo of audio (atempo)?
  • How to add echo to MP3
  • How to normalize audio?
  • How to cross fade to two mp3s?
  • How to adjust volume of MP3?

Basic video conversions

  • How to compress mp4 & reduce file size?
  • How to convert a MP4 to GIF?
  • How to convert webm to mp4?
  • How to convert FLV to MP4?
  • How to convert AVI to MP4?
  • How to convert mkv to mp4?
  • How to convert mov to mp4?

Video timeline editing

  • How to concatenate multiple MP4 files
  • How to loop a section of video X times?
  • How to stitch spliced videos into segments?
  • How to splice up video into segments?
  • How to trim X seconds from the start & end of video?
  • How to trim X seconds from the end of video?
  • How to trim X seconds from the start of video?

Video filters

  • How to apply a color palette to a video (paletteuse)?
  • How to generate a color palette from video (palettegen)?
  • How to remove all colors except one from video (colorhold)? NEEDS correction
  • How to convert video to black and white (hue)?
  • How to apply a vignette to a video (vignette)?
  • How to RGB shift a video (rgbashift)?
  • How to invert video (negate)?
  • How to edit saturation of a video (vibrance)?
  • How to edit the hue/saturation of a video (hue)?
  • How to color balance a video?
  • How to use visual normalization on a video?
  • How to use blend on two MP4s?
  • How to adjust volume of MP4?

Sharpening / Blur filters

  • How to add a pixelate effect to a video?
  • How to apply a box blur a video (boxblur)?
  • How to apply Gaussian blur to video (gblur)?
  • How to apply a smartblur to a video (smartblur)?
  • How to apply a blur to a video (unsharp)?
  • How to sharpen a video (unsharp)?

Video playback filters

  • How to remove duplicate frames?
  • How to change video quantization (qp)?
  • How to change video resolution?
  • How to change video frame rate?
  • How to crop a video (crop)?
  • How to reverse a video (reverse)?
  • How to speed up a video?
  • How to slow down a video?

Transform filters

  • How to rotate a video?
  • How to horizontal flip a video (hflip)?
  • How to vertically flip a video (vflip)?
  • How to stack multiple videos vertically (vstack)?
  • How to stack multiple videos horizontally (hstack)?

Text editing

  • How to overlay custom text to video (drawtext)?
  • How to burn subtitles into a video?
  • How to add subtitles to video?
  • How to extract subtitles from video?

Image Video Filters

  • How to generate a solid color video?
  • How to generate a picture waveform from video?
  • How to convert video into a tile image (tile)?
  • How to make a video from a single image & mp3?
  • How to create a video from images?
  • How to extract all frames (jpg) from a video?
  • How to extract an image (jpeg) frame from video at x seconds?
  • How to create a video slideshow from images (slideshow)?
  • How to add a transparent watermark to a video?

Advance video filters

  • How to use frei0r filters?
  • How to use green screen to mask a video into another video?
  • How to randomize frames in video (random)?
  • How to apply static to a video (get)?
  • How to add noise to video (noise)?
  • How to add various fades to a video (xfade)?
  • How to datamosh glitch a video?


  • How to apply filters to a steam
  • How to connect to YouTube

Common Errors

* Previously published as The FFmpeg Bible