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Summers Brighter now

June has been really awesome. Something inside woke up and said this summer take full advantage of it.

To start things off, I was able to pull together a team from Raleigh to film a short film for the Asheville 48 hour film festival. It was literally all of our first time truly going through the steps of creating a film. In the frustration of creating a 4-7 minute film in 48 hours I never thought finding a location to film would be our biggest challenge. Unfortunately getting chain hotels and bars to get the property manager to sign a release form for filming on location is practically impossible with 12 hour notice. We lucked out when the filming location Gods granted us with the ability to film at the bar Ben’s Tune Up. Now the final product is pretty rough around the edges but we went out there and got it done. I’m proud of that. You can view the film here:

In addition to trying film out we have another first, my brother got me into fishing. It’s something I briefly did as a kid but as an adult I really appreciate the meditative aspects of it. Thus far with the season I’ve invested in a tackle box, rod and some how caught 2 “dinky” brims. As of this posts, my brother and I are tied for 2 fish caught.

Finally, and really the reason why I wanted to write this post, I just got home from my first… my kind of music… concert in probably 2-3 years. For some reason after I turned ~21 and got my first high paying job I kind of lost touch with punk/hardcore music. I still listened to the old stuff but stopped really investing in the music. Instead I some how got into folk music. In any case tonight I saw Modern Baseball at the Cats Cradle. I forgot how communal the pushing and shoving of a pit is. Just like fishing, it’s some how therapeutic to be out there with a crowd enjoying the same music you love. High-fiving and saying what a night it was, is something I miss. Being 24 now I some how thought I was too old to be out there any more.