A vignette is a fade that is added to the edges of an input. It’s a simple way to add atmosphere or emulate vintage television sets.
A vignette can be added without additional parameters as seen in figure 62.0:
$ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf "vignette" output.mp4
The vignette filter also has an angle parameter to adjust the angle of the fade. Below is a vignette with a 30 degree angle:
$ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf "vignette=angle=PI/6" output.mp4
Indicates the vignette filter name
angle, a
Indicates the angle in radians (PI/2 to 0 with default PI/5)
x0, y0
Indicates the center coordinates
Indicates the forward or backward mode (forward or backward)
For more information about additional vignette parameters visit: https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#vignette-1