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LuaPlayer for OSX/Linux (LUA Development for PSP)

Don’t struggle any longer as a developer wanting to programming PSP games/apps on Linux or OSX. I spent the last 2 days trying to compile and find a working version on LuaPlayer for OS X and finally found a solution. EMULATION

I downloaded the PPSSPP, a PSP emulator, and within minutes had LuaPlayer (actually Euphoria V7) working on my Mac. Here’s proof:

Loading up LuaPlayer Euphoria V7:

Screen Shot 2015-09-20 at 7.06.00 PM Screen Shot 2015-09-20 at 7.28.36 PM


Now you don’t have to go back and forth on your PSP or worry about programming your games on a computer. Now if you are running windows or can use wine on Linux I recommend using the native LuaPlayer for windows, there seems to be weird work arounds to get LuaPlayer emulated with PPSSPP